For now, you should know that the ~/.bashrc
and ~/.profile fi les are the main user confi guration fi les for bash, and /etc/bash.bashrc and
/etc/profile are the main global confi guration fi les.
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Cita de admin en 24 julio, 2019, 10:06 pmArchivos de configuración de usuarios en LinuxFor now, you should know that the ~/.bashrc
and ~/.profile fi les are the main user confi guration fi les for bash, and /etc/bash.bashrc and
/etc/profile are the main global confi guration fi les.
For now, you should know that the ~/.bashrc
and ~/.profile fi les are the main user confi guration fi les for bash, and /etc/bash.bashrc and
/etc/profile are the main global confi guration fi les.
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